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Year 1 Animals, including humans

Year 1 - Animals, including humans

Animal Groups KS1

Through a range of fun sorting games and cut-and-paste activities, pupils learn that animals can be grouped in many different ways, such as body structure and diet. They identify the main parts of the human body and the related senses through labelling activities.

Learning objective

I can group animals by their body type.

Children play a 2-player game where they draw cards, challenging them to group animals in a variety of ways. Challenge cards include properties such as 'animals with a skeleton on the inside' and 'animals with feathers'.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b3: Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets)
Animals can be grouped in different ways.
Some animal groups include those that are mammals, those with feathers, tails, fur, fins or internal skeletons, those which can talk or fly, those that live in water, those that eat only meat, and those that eat both meat and plants.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

4 pages

Identifying mammals Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B001

Learning objective

I can identify some mammals.

Children learn that mammals give birth to live young. They sort 9 pictures into 2 groups - mammals and non-mammals. They consider what else the mammals have in common.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b1: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
Some animals are mammals.
Mammals do not lay eggs, but give birth to live young.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

1 page

Grouping animals Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B002

Learning objective

I can place animals in the fish, amphibian, bird, reptile and mammal groups.

Children learn about 5 groups of animals - birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and amphibians. They place 18 pictures in the correct animal groups. A description is provided for each animal group.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b1: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
Animal groups include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Fish have scales, fins and gills, lay eggs, and live in water their whole lives.
Amphibians start life in water. They have limbs, not fins, can move around on land, but need to stay near water where they lay their eggs.
Reptiles have limbs. They lay eggs on land and have scaly skin.
Birds have two wings and two legs. They lay eggs. Some, but not all birds can fly.
Mammals give birth to live young. They have hair or fur. They produce milk for their offspring.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

3 pages

Animals and their food Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B003

Learning objective

I can match animals to what they eat.

Children match 6 different animals to examples of their food. They consider whether animals eat plants or other animals. Children explore patterns, such as animals eating the same type of food.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b1: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
Prey animals are eaten by other animals.
Some animals eat only meat, some eat only plants, and some eat both animals and plants.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

1 page

Animal diet Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B004

Learning objective

I can identify carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Children learn about carnivores (animals that only eat meat), herbivores (animals that only eat plants) and omnivores (animals that eat both meat and plants). They place 12 different animals in the correct groups, depending on whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b2: Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
Animals can be grouped in different ways.
Carnivores eat only other animals.
Herbivores eat only plants.
Omnivores eat both animals and plants.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Animal bodies Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B005

Learning objective

I can label the main parts of animals' bodies.

Children use a word bank to help them label the body parts of 12 different animals. There are 20 different body parts in the word bank, including head, tail, beak, leg and wing.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b3: Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets)
Animal body parts include head, tail, beak, leg, wing, hoof, fin, snout, eye, fur, feathers, teeth, nose, ear, claw, body, man, flipper, paw and neck.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

The human body Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B007

Learning objective

I can label the main parts of the human body.

Children use a word bank to help them to label 3 bodies - a baby, a boy and a man. Body parts in the word bank include head, neck, arm, elbow, leg, knee, face, ear, eye, hair, mouth and teeth.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b4: Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say what part of the body is associated with which sense
Our bodies change as we get older.
Parts of the human body include head, neck, arm, elbow, leg, knee, face, ear, eye, hair, mouth and teeth.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

The five senses Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B008

Learning objective

I can explain what part of the body is to do with which sense.

Children use a word bank to label a diagram, showing what part of the body is associated with each sense - sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. They learn that the sense of touch is associated with the whole body, rather than a particular organ.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 1b4: Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say what part of the body is associated with which sense
Human senses include sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
Sight is associated with the eyes.
Hearing is associated with the ears.
Taste is associated with the mouth and tongue.
Smell is associated with the nose.
Touch is associated with the whole body.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

1 page

Identifying sea animals Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 1 | Animals, including humans | OS1B009

Learning objective

I can name some common sea animals and say whether or not they are fish.

Children identify 10 different sea animals which are commonly found around the shores of the British Isles. They cut out their pictures and place them into two groups - 'fish' and 'not fish'.

  • 1b1: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
Sharks and rays are fish.
Dolphins, whales and seals are mammals.
Starfish are not fish, despite their name.
Year 1 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

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