Through a range of grouping and sorting games and activities, pupils learn to distinguish between an object, its material, and the properties of its material. Their increasing scientific vocabulary is supported throughout by word banks. Pupils develop their scientific investigation skills through simple experiments into floating and absorbency, recording and interpreting their results. They apply their learning by suggesting suitable materials for familiar objects and explain their reasoning.
I can tell the difference between an object and a material.
Children learn about the difference between objects and materials. They use a word bank to select the correct object and material for 8 pictures.
I can name some everyday materials.
Children use a word bank to identify the material that 14 different objects are made from.
3 pages
I can identify the materials that some objects are made from.
Children choose 18 objects from around the classroom. They draw a picture, name the object and identify the material. They cut and sort the objects by material.
2 pages
I can explain some properties of objects and materials.
Children choose 10 objects from around the classroom. They sort them according to their properties - bendy/not bendy, hard/soft, transparent/opaque.
2 pages
I can investigate whether an object floats or sinks.
Children carry out an investigation into whether 5 objects from around the classroom float or sink. They record their results on a simple table.
1 page
I can group objects and materials by their properties.
Children work with a partner. They use 9 challenge cards to sort around 10 objects from around the classroom.
1 page
I can choose a good material for a purpose.
Children use a word bank to think of the best material to use in 8 different situations. They draw a picture of each object, and identify the material and its desirable properties.
2 pages
I can investigate the best material for a purpose.
Children carry out an investigation to find out which is the most absorbent of 4 materials. They use a table to order their results and use them to answer the question.
1 page