I can match bulbs and seeds to fully-grown plants.
Children learn that bulbs and seeds can grow into mature plants. They match 5 trees and plants to their bulbs or seeds in a cut and stick activity. They identify whether they are looking at a bulb or a seed.
I can observe, describe and compare plants.
Pupils locate and sketch two different plants found in the school environment. Supported by a word bank, they describe the different parts of each plant. Finally, they compare the plants, identifying similarities and differences.
2 pages
I can identify some common garden plants.
Children use a word bank and pictures to identify 9 common garden plants. They think about ways of grouping the plants, and consider whether they have seen them before.
1 page
I can identify some common wild plants.
Children use a word bank and pictures to identify common wild plants. They explore ways of grouping them and think about whether or not they have seen them before.
1 page
I can identify some common trees using their shapes, leaves and seeds.
Children use a word bank and pictures to identify common trees, with reference to their shape, leaves, fruit and seeds. They think about whether the trees lose their leaves or not in the autumn and whether or not the trees are familiar.
1 page
I can identify plants in my local area.
Children use a tally chart to investigate the local area and find out how many of 5 different plants there are. They show their results on a simple pictogram. They perform some data handling and analysis, considering which plant was the most common.
2 pages
I can label the main parts of a flowering plant.
Children colour and label the four main parts of a flowering plant - flower, stem, leaf and roots. They discuss the function of each of the four parts.
1 page
I can explain what the different parts of a flowering plant do.
Children label the 4 main parts of a daisy plant (flower, stem, roots and leaves) and explain their function by cutting and pasting simple descriptions.
1 page
I can label the main parts of different plants.
Children use a word bank to label the different parts of a range of plants. The parts include petals, roots, stem, leaves, trunk, branch, seed, flower, fruit and bulb.
2 pages