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Year 4 Electricity

Year 4 - Electricity

Conductors And Insulators KS2

Pupils discuss whether or not different devices need electricity to function. They identify common electrical components, explain their functions and relate them to their symbols, and create their own simple circuits with reference to illustrations and circuit diagrams. Pupils investigate the effect of placing switches in different positions in circuits. They investigate whether classroom objects are electrical conductors or insulators, record their results in a table, display their results in a Venn diagram and consider the relationship between metals and electrical conductivity. They apply their knowledge by explaining why electricity can be dangerous, identify dangerous situations involving electricity and how they can be avoided or made safe.

Learning objective

I can investigate which objects are conductors and which are insulators.

Using simple electrical apparatus, children investigate which materials are electrical conductors and which are insulators. If possible, they note the material each object is made from. Children transfer their results from their table to a Venn diagram containing 2 intersecting sets ('electrical conductors' and 'made of metal') and try to identify a relationship.

  • 4e5: recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
Electrical conductors allow electricity to flow through them easily, while electrical insulators do not.
Metal objects are usually good electrical conductors.
Some non-metals conduct electricity.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Electrical machines Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 4 | Electricity | OS4E001

Learning objective

I can identify machines which need electricity to work.

Children cut out pictures of 10 familiar household machines. They place them in 2 groups - those that need electricity to work, and those that do not. They think about non-electrical alternatives to electrical machines, and vice versa.

  • 4e1: identify common appliances that run on electricity
Some machines are powered by electricity, and others are not.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Electrical components Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 4 | Electricity | OS4E002

Learning objective

I can identify electrical components and their symbols.

Children learn about 6 different electrical components - bulb, switch, cell, battery, switch, buzzer and bell. They match each component to its picture, description, and circuit diagram symbol.

  • 4e2: construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers
Electrical components have different functions and can be represented by symbols in a diagram.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Electrical circuits Investigation

Outstanding Science Year 4 | Electricity | OS4E003

Learning objective

I can create a simple electrical circuit.

Using simple apparatus, children look at illustrations of 5 different circuits and attempt to create them. They attempt to create the circuit diagram for each, and explain what happens when each circuit is completed.

  • 4e3: identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery
An electrical circuit is an unbroken loop of wires and components which allows electricity to flow continuously.
The number, type and orientation of components in an electrical circuit affects their function.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Working circuits Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 4 | Electricity | OS4E004

Learning objective

I can predict whether a circuit will work and how it can be fixed.

Children look at 5 different circuit illustrations. In each circuit, the bulb will not light. Children explain how each circuit can be changed so that the bulb will light. If possible, they test their ideas with simple apparatus. They attempt to draw a circuit diagram for their improved circuits.

  • 4e3: identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery
Electrical circuits function in predictable ways.
If the components in an electrical circuit are not arranged correctly, it will not function.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

3 pages

Electrical switches Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 4 | Electricity | OS4E005

Learning objective

I can explain how an electrical switch works.

Children look at 4 different circuit diagrams. They predict and then observe whether the switch will function correctly when placed in different positions in the circuit. They attempt to find a general rule from their findings.

  • 4e4: recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit
An electrical switch is a device which can control whether an electrical circuit is closed or open.
The position of a switch in a simple series electrical circuit does not affect its function.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Electricity and safety Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 4 | Electricity | OS4E008

Learning objective

I can identify situations when electricity can be dangerous.

Children look at illustrations of 8 different dangerous situations involving mains electricity in the home. They identify what the danger is and how it can be made safe.

  • 4e5: recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
Mains electricity is much more powerful than the electricity used in Primary Science lessons.
Mains electricity can kill.
Water, metal, and the human body are all electrical conductors.
Electrical hazards can be present in the home.
Year 4 Electricity | Outstanding Science

3 pages

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