Outstanding Science | Primary Science Resources for the National Curriculum

Primary Science Resources for the National Curriculum

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Year 2 Animals, including humans

Learning objective

I can sequence and describe the life cycle of different animals.

Children learn about life cycles. They match images to the correct place on a diagram and create 3 life cycles of their own.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c1: notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
Offspring are the young of an animal.
Al life cycle diagram shows how offspring grow into adults and have offspring of their own.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

4 pages

Stages of a human life Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C001

Learning objective

I can sequence the different stages in a human life.

Children sequence five pictures showing the stages of a human life (male). They match labels and descriptions to the pictures.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c1: notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
Humans change as they grow older.
Some stages in a human life include baby, toddler, child, teenager, and adult.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Animals and their offspring Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C003

Learning objective

I can match the young of different animals to their adult form.

Children match four different animals to their offspring and explain what changes have taken place as it has grown.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c1: notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
Reproduction is when an organism has offspring.
Some animals lay eggs, while others give birth to live young.
Offspring change as they grow into adults.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

What do humans need to survive Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C004

Learning objective

I can explain what humans need to survive.

Children discuss what humans need to survive. They cut out pictures of 8 things and sort them into groups - essential and non-essential to survival.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c2: find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)
Some things are essential for humans to survive, while others are not.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

1 page

What do animals need to survive Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C005

Learning objective

I can explain what animals need to survive.

Children discuss what animals need to survive and group 8 pictures into 2 groups - things that animals need to survive and things that they do not need.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c2: find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)
Some things are essential for animals to survive, while others are not.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

1 page

Food hygiene Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C006

Learning objective

I can explain why it is important to be clean when eating food.

Children learn about the importance of cleanliness when preparing food and eating. They carry out a matching activity with problems and solutions.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c3: describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Food hygiene means being clean when eating.
Eating dirty food can make us ill.
Eating food with dirty hands can make us ill.
Food is covered in tiny microorganisms.
Some microorganisms can make us ill.
Some foods last longer if refrigerated.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Exercise Investigation

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C007

Learning objective

I can investigate how exercise produces changes in the body.

Children learn about the benefits and effects of exercise. They carry out an investigation into the muscles used when performing different activities.

  • ks1w3: performing simple tests
  • ks1w5: using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
  • ks1w6: gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
  • 2c3: describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Exercise is good for mind and body.
During exercise, the heart beats faster and we breathe more quickly.
Exercise burns food energy and can lead to weight loss.
Exercise causes the body to get hotter, and can produce sweat to cool down.
Lack of exercise can cause diseases.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

2 pages

Healthy eating Worksheet

Outstanding Science Year 2 | Animals, including humans | OS2C008

Learning objective

I can explain how the different food groups help us to stay healthy.

Children learn about the 5 food groups and how they keep us healthy. They sort 25 different foods into their groups in a cut and paste activity.

  • ks1w4: identifying and classifying
  • 2c3: describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Humans need food to survive.
Food can be placed in food groups.
Food groups include carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, proteins, milk and dairy, and fats and sugars.
Carbohydrates provide energy.
Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals.
Proteins help muscle growth.
Dairy contains calcium for healthy teeth and bones.
Fats and sugars should be eaten in limited amounts.
Year 2 Animals, including humans | Outstanding Science

3 pages

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